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The Importance of Self-Care for Entrepreneurs (and Top Ways to Indulge)

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Business ownership comes with a lot of stressors that typical employment is devoid of, including unusual working hours, irregular paychecks, limited social interactions, and the constant risk of failure. It can be so easy to let these stressors bring you down and compromise your creativity, productivity, and passion and, eventually, lead to entrepreneurial burnout. Fortunately, you can avoid becoming another statistic by doing one simple thing: practicing self-care.

What Is Self-Care and Why Is It Important?

Self-care refers to activities and behaviors that contribute positively to your physical and mental health. Practicing self-care can have numerous benefits, including reduced stress, increased productivity, improved creativity and clarity, and better mental health. Yet, despite its many benefits, just 6.6% of Americans over the age of 25 engage in self-care activities.

As an adult, it’s important to your overall health that you practice self-care. As an entrepreneur, it’s crucial to your business’s success. So, what constitutes self-care? Below are a few examples, including hair services from Honest Hair Restoration.

Exercise Is the Ultimate Form of Self-Care

According to an Amherst College article, exercise contributes positively to almost every area of your health, including your mental well-being. It’s so effective, in fact, that just 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity each day can yield the following benefits:

Exercise can also combat disease and promote better sleep. Each of these benefits can help you become your best self in all areas of your life, including your business.

 Sleep Doesn’t Hurt Either

According to data, 38.7% of side-hustlers sacrifice sleep to work on their business. While sleep feels like a fair trade for success, know that it’s hard to have one without the other. One study found that people who slept for six or fewer hours two or more nights in a row experienced decreased performance for six days afterward. The same study found that you need at least three nights of sufficient sleep (meaning six or more hours) to make up for a single night of insufficient sleep. The bottom line is, if you want to be productive and successful, you need to prioritize sleep.

Attitude Is Everything

At some point in your life, you, like most other people, accept the fact that looks fade, but inner beauty lasts forever. Despite this, it’s so easy to get down on yourself about your ever-changing appearance. While you can’t stop the aging process, you can gracefully approach it by showing your body some TLC. Get your nails done, invest in hair care, and splurge on good beauty products. When you start to appreciate your appearance, you will notice a world of difference in your confidence.

Time Can Be on Your Side

At the end of the day, all most entrepreneurs ever want is more time. While you can’t add more hours to the day, you can take back some of yours by outsourcing certain tasks and looking for ways to save time. For instance, by forming an LLC, you can save yourself considerable time in the early days of your business and during tax season. By using a formation service, you can make life even easier on yourself and save on lawyer fees as you file your Florida LLC articles of organization. However, be sure to check your state regulations before filing the paperwork, as they vary from state to state.

Self-care is integral to your success in life and business. Show yourself some love by taking the above advice to heart sooner rather than later.

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